Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hello Beijing

So I finished off my trip in Thailand with snorkeling. It was really gorgeous. We went to a lot of different little islands and saw Ko Phi phi Islands. That was the best place I visited in Thailand. It was hit quite hard by the tsunami so a lot of rebuilding going on. It has all footpaths and bicycle paths. No motorized vehicles at all. I loved it! The boat got in to some rough seas on the way back and there was a lot bucking and rolling back and forth!!! My mother would have been very sick. I got dtuck next to an Australian guy wearing a shirt that said "Trainee Gynecologist" Why do guys get shirts like that? I did not have to use much imagination to see him finishing a six pack of Fosters and after belching loudly saying: "Fosters....Australian for Beer" My flights and things to Beijing were uneventful. Although the schedulewas quite tight I got to ever destination with a bit of time to spare. (Except Beijing where I got in very late...0815 instead of 0700) When I got to the airport I picked up a taxi who was so slow. I was ready to lean out the window and wave to the 80 year old on the bike who passed us. (oklay so I lie a bit but he was very slow) He then kept my money and did not give me my change. He selectively did not know English at this point.
The hotel is okay except for all the smoking. The bellhop downstairs wanted to know if I liked the Chicago Bulls, Michale Jordan and the Backstreet Boys. He thought five boys singing together was very good. He wanted to see them when they were in concert but he did not have time. Poor guy. I did not have the heart to tell him I was not their biggest fan.
I went to see the Temple of Heaven with Ruby, my Chinese friend. It was interesting to see but not much to comment on. A chinese guy there told Ruby I had a very beautiful voice and he proceeded to sing opera in the quiet park. Way to be inconspicuous Noelle.


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