Saturday, June 10, 2006

Misery Loves Company

Today was spent in Kanchanaburi. It was a lovely place with some great museums and other areas of memorium for the POW's who died creating the Thai-Burma railroad line (Made famous by the movie/book The Bridge on the River Kwai). It was quite well done almost everything in English (considering none of the signs here are in Thai English) and I enjoyed it, for the most part. My bus ride was okay aside from the girl slamming her seat into my knees (yes I am tall and those are my knees you are slamming your chair into) She did not care at all and had her seat all the way down giving me no room to move (when I say no room I mean no room). In addition I was the only person on the bus the ticket girl assigned a seat. "You, here!" It was by the nasty bathroom in the way back of the bus. But for 99 baht you cannot complain too much. Nice scenery though!!!
I rented a bike for 40 baht for the day (note 38 baht = $1) and pedaled around. It was quite nice...pedaling around....on a bike fit for a twelve year old with a seat at the height fit for an 8 year old. I got a lot of giggles laughs and shouts for this scene (by Thai and tourist alike). A sweaty overweight American riding down the street on a cruiser with her knees up to her boobs on a tiny bike. I was humbled by the attention and cut short some of my excursions due to the spectacle. Really you can nod and smile for awhile but at some point you have been humbled enough. So another instance where someone to laugh with would have really been helpful!!
Tonight I stay in a guesthouse on the river (a large floating raft for six rooms with SCREENS!!! YAY!). Hopoe all is well at home. Please laugh at my humiliating story it will make me feel better!!


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