Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Ta Ta Thailand

Alright a quick post for now. Not much to add since the last post yesterday. I brought away my clothes (most of them) to be washed at a near by stand. I am a little nervous because I think either:
A. My clothing will come back two sizes two small
B. My clothing will come back two sizes too big
C. A combination of A and B

I go on my snorkling trip tomorrow where you hop to a bunch of different islands. You get to got to some beach and "talk to monkies" which I think is a waste of time. I get to snorkel and see some amazing cave and the like. I get back here, pick up my laundry and go to the airport for my flight to Bangkok and to Beijing. This may be my last post for awhile. I do not know if I will be able to access it in China or not. Their laws there do not always allow access to such websites. But I am keeping my fingers crossed. Otherwise I will e-mail some of you. The rest (I don't know your emails necessarily) Bu we will know in good time.
I am ready to leave Thailand though and go on a new adventure. I am tired of being honked at by every form of taxi in the world wanting a fare (motorcycle, tuk-tuk, car, van ect.) asked if I want a tailor or to go on a trip somewhere. I know they are all trying to make a buck but it is really bothersome. Generally with the tailors I try to keep walking. Anyway, I am rambling. Hope all is well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Belles HJ told me about your blogging your trip and I just went on your whole trip so far with you today. it was fun and even had a chuckle or two. You are way braver than I! have fun and we will get to see some pics at the lake I am sure. Have fun and be safe. Love ya The Old Guy

8:08 AM  

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