Friday, June 09, 2006

All Around the Mulberry Bush...or roundabout

Good idea: Wandering around Chinatown
Bad idea: Being the only tourist alone for 1/2 mile

I am writing a little bit earlier today because I don't know when I am going to step up to a computer again. I found myself having an extra day in Bangkok so I extended my stay at my hotel and stopped by Chinatown and later see what kind of excitment is going on around town. The excitement of a holiday for the Thai people because of the anniversary of their King reigning for 60 years I am not quite ready to eat too much after that really spicy food I had last night so I decided to blog instead of eat (not a choice of money, it just happens to be lunch time).
Chinatown was nuts. I have never inhaled more exhaust (except that time in Nepal where our tail pipe got clogged with clay). It was mayhem with little sidewalk space to walk on because of all the street vendors. You can buy everything you need in bulk there. Hairclips. shoes, paper, tablecloths, straws, journals, handbags, fish basically everything. To make matters worse they were filming down there and that was crazy. Everyone (including me) walking in and out of the set. Actors standing amoung everyone else getting their makeup done. I went into the deepest parts of Chinatown and escaped from some of the tourists. When I decided to walk on my own furthur north I started to have problems. At the large roundabout I had a tuk-tuk driver follow me and stop at every intersection of the roundabout. "Where you go? Where you go? 20 baht 1 hour drive round show you Chinatown." "You want temple? Standing buddha? Laying buddha? I take you." I said no, he follows me more. All around the roundabout. I was hounded by two others a lot as well argh. I mean yes 20 Baht is less than $1 I can't get IN a cab in Chicago for that I can't even hail a cab in New York for that but I don't want it!!! I was ready to pay him 20 baht to leave me alone. I did not care to inhale more exhaust than I already did. So anyway thats whats going on here.

Hair Development: My hair indeed has attained some more "body" to it since I have been here. In addition it is very shiny. I am trying to determine if that is greasy hair, sweat drying in my hair, or the change in diet. Will keep you informed of any furthur developments.

Onemore thing: Don't know what a tuk tuk is? Click here: The Tuk-tuk


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