Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Where are my TED hose?

PHEW!! After 32 hours of traveling I am about to fall over! I mean I did sleep a lot but it is tough when you are in the middle seat a lot. The guy next to me on my San Fran to Beijing flight was also in the middle and I don't think he liked that too much. Three hours into our flight he started to wind and unwind his headphones continuously. He also would put his tray away and take it down and than shift the tray forward and back. I mean he would sigh and move around a lot. He started to get ME really restless. I only watched one movie on the flight and the rest thought about my swollen feet (no teds on) and if I was going to be able to poop after all this sitting. (I did when I got to the hotel no senokot needed) I don't think I really got stir crazy until the Bangkok flight. First of all because I was in Coach our TV was in black and white. (Trust me business was funny colored and first class had a perfectly good TV) I know ours could be in color because the flying instructions were in color. I also accidently told the stewardess that no one in our row wanted drinks. The Thai girls sitting next to me were not happy. By that time is 1:00 am Beijing time and I was sick of traveling. It did not help that the people I rode with to Beijing were a bunch of loud college kids going to a leadership conference. They kept thinking I was in their group.
Anyway I met a very nice Thai girl in Beijing airport. She told me "too hah een Chaing Mai go to Beeh liek Phuket or Ko tao"** I then ran into a Canadian couple who said there had been flooding in Chaing Mai where they wanted to trek. So I may not go there. Tonight I will decide. I may go to Singapore. A flight there is $80 and I think that would be great fun!! Anyway so I got my tickets and back from the airport. I got to my room about 2:30 am (Not one of my planes left or arrived on time) and fell into bed where I stared at the dark for awhile. This was when I got lonely. I wanted someone to talk to at that point and all I had was myself. Otherwise things have been great!
I felt rather shady exchanging money for my ticket in Beijing. I went all through customs, brought my cash found my guy, bought my ticket and turned around and went through customs all over again!!!!! Ugh! Not to mention the ticket guy at the counter scared the crap out of me when he told me I needed a Visa to get into Thailand (I don't). I was sure I don't but my heart was sure beating fast for awhile there. Anyway no other problems passed Avain quarintine with flying colors.

**"Too hot in Chaing Mai, go to Beach like Phuket or Ko Tao"


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