Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Forehead wrinkles

I am currently turning gray over my decision about staying or going (from the city of Chicago). Basically I love this city and my friends here and it is tough to leave it all. I want to challenge myself and be adventurous but do I really want to do that now. I have been praying that God would close one opportunity and open the other so I can just know what to do. So keep me in your prayers.
On a less serious note I have found a new distraction on TV commercials. I often find something that bothers me on commercials and I have found one.

Forehead wrinkles

I am not saying that forehead wrinkles are bad or that I don't have them. I am stating that when the cameras close in someone and they are talking about migrane headaches or hair coloring or what not all I can do is look at the appearance and dissapearance of forehead wrinkles. I miss the main jist of the commercial because I am looking at their foreheads and watching the wrinkles. I don't know how but that has really started to distract me. So while I am forming more and more forehead wrinkles. They are starting to bother me more and more.


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