Monday, June 19, 2006

Self Conscious Eater

Xi'an is good. A bit of touring today. We went to the Muslim District which had a ton of little shops of the same thing over and over again. Strangely a lot of those decks of cards given to the soldiers at the start of the war in Iraq. Not much else.
Well I continue to stick out like a sore thumb. Ruby and I ate at this hidden away little restaurant that not many foreigners go to, at all. Now I am a self conscious eater when I eat at home in the US with a fork and spoon. I feel like people watch you anyway. Well in this so called restaurant I definintly had many people watching. They sat there and stared at how I used my chopsticks and how I putmy food in my mouth. After a couple of bites they would lean over and say something to each other. So there I sit trying to enjoy a dish of noodles that I just watched them make and I have an audience. People were rather blunt with their stares as well. I think it did not helpmy chopstick problem either because they were rather square making it even more tricky. I got full rather quickly.Ruby ate the rest of my food. Hope all is well at home. Off to the city wall.


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