Tuesday, January 24, 2006

New York, NewYork

This weekend I spent some time with family. After a rather nasty two weeks at work it was a relief to get away and have some decisions made for me!! As many of you know, I have a fabulous part of my family that lives in Philadelphia. My cousin Jack and his wife (my friend) Sara live there while Jack goes to seminary. We managed to catch an exciting 76ers game and make a one day stop in New York City. It was interesting "the city that never sleeps." I went out to Ellis Island and saw the Statue of Liberty. I managed to get hit by a wooden door, smooshed by a drunk prostitute and I got so much grit in my face that it stuck to my lips, was in my ears and down my neck. UGH!
I did not catch any broadway shows, that will be for the March stop. I commited to going to Phoenix in February as well. Should be a good time in Phoenix with Sara and I and Carly who is in PA school.
Lots of hanging out, seeing the city and spending quality time with the family. More to come.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The "L"

My cousin Hannah and I attended a Blackhawks hockey game today. We decided to head home on the "L" because playing sardines on a city bus at 10:30 at night is not my idea of fun. Well, when I was transfering to a different line of the train, I bumped into a homeless man. He said "Excuse me" and I said "That's okay." "Oh Thank you" he replied. He proceeded to follow us onto the train (I am thinking to myself OH NO). When the doors closed behind us locking a large group into a confined space he announced to the whole car: "I am going to sing a song for you all, I am just trying it out, I am not a professional or anything." (We of course were all thinking we had seen him on the Grammy's last year) The homeless man began to sing "Sittin on the dock of the bay." It was rather awkward and a few people snickered and of course no one was talking. When the song was finished and the whole car lapsed into silence he turned to Hannah and I and announced: "I am going to sing you two ladies a song now." Hannah looked away from me because she was trying not to laugh, I was turning bright red and the homeless man began singing "once, twice, three times a lady." He sang the WHOLE SONG than proceeded to sit down after the next stop thank goodness. HJ and I walked away unscathed

Ahhhh Blog

So because I blog, does that make me a yuppie? My brother accused me of being a yuppie and I have a hard time believeing I am one. The following are reasons I could be a yuppie:
1. I own an iPod.
2. I talk on my cellphone in public.
3. I live in the city.
4. I love going out with my friends.

Reasons I am not a yuppie:
1. I don't own a Blackberry.
2. I don't have to hang out at the "coolest" bar.
3. I don't have to have the "latest" technology or clothing.
4. Money doesn't matter.

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