Friday, September 21, 2007

Livin' in it and Lovin' it

It has been a month since I started my job in NYC and I thought it would be a good idea to actually drop a note of whats been going on. So a few observations (note: not exclusive to NYC)

I went to a Yankee game and actually found myself cheering for the old pinstripes team. What weird trickery is this? And why do I find myself now hoping they have a post season?

The p-gu (puddle, genesis unknown) rule always applies here, even after a nice rain. No rain? I guarantee that it is dog pee. I have seen more dogs urinating on the UES (upper east side) in one month then all of my life in the burbs of Wisconsin. Plus, there is a whole lot less grass here. Also beware of poop smears.

Seats at Broadway shows are not too small, some people are just too big. I sat next to a large individual at show the other night and had to lean sideways because they took up the space I needed to sit upright. Now I am 5'11" and carry extra poundage and I think the seats are fine. Maybe a little short in leg room up in the balconies, but I have butt scooting room. Note: I am not saying obese individuals should not see shows it's just I got a crick in my neck from being the Leaning Tower of Pisa for two hours.

Why do women at baseball games use vendor napkins to rub a seat that is not visibly soiled? Do you actually think your thin little napkin from the hot dog guy is going to remove bacteria that was clinging to the jeans of some 30 year old beer drinking Mets fan who sat there before you?

I always thought this was a joke and am actually finding this to be true: New Yorkers really believe that the Midwest doesn't matter (sorry friends that includes Chicago). A lot of them don't know where Wisconsin is and feel that anything that happens in the Midwest (and I quote) "Doesn't count." I have to say I was honestly disappointed about this attitude. There is more to the world people than New York City and there are a lot of people in the U.S. who CHOSE NOT to live here. The world does not revolve around you all, most people DON'T cheer for the Yankees (think Notre Dame of pro baseball, okay?), and it is not as scary as you think to leave the island (Queens, Bronx, Long Island, etc does not count).

A half a block down from my apartment a man tried to jump to his death. I saw more cops come out to help then I ever expected. Five emergency service vehicles, 9 bike cops, 5 squad cars, an ambulance, a ESU extended van, two golf cart like mobile vehicles, a large orange service vehicle (perhaps for those big air bags?) and numerous cops in harnesses and full gear swarming over the building. I didn't even know that something was going on until everyone clapped and cheered outside my window when they stopped the guy. The poor kids at the school next door to me were really worried.

And to answer some friends questions: Have I seen famous people? Yes I have but it has been in the hospital and that would break patient confidentiality to tell you who I have all met or taken care of.
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