Friday, February 17, 2006


As many may know, I get asked for directions on a regular basis. To me, it is unclear why I get asked all the time but it happens. On average I get asked twice per week* the exact location of a street, a store, a busline or a cardinal direction.
Today was one of those days. I was on the "L" getting off on the Merchandise Mart stop to walk to Lalo's the mexican restaurant. Heading toward the exit I hear above the din of the departing train and my iPod a womans voice. It was somewhat shrill and directed at ME. Very kindly removing my earbuds and turning my head with a smile I asked:**

Me: I'm sorry?
Shrill woman: Where do I get down to the blue line!!!!!?
Me: Ummm...
SW: I need to get on the blue line, how do I get down there from here!!!!!!!?
Me: You can't get on there from this stop.
SW: (shouting) YES I CAN! Now how do I get there?
Me: (calmly) There is no access to the blue line from this stop. You need to get back on the train.
SW: What!!!!!! That train (the one going the opposite direction of where I pointed)
Me: No the direction we were just going. You need to either A: Go around the loop or B: go to the next train stop and make a transfer.
SW: (shouting) NO!! I DO NOT NEED TO DO THAT! The brown line should take me right there.
Me: No, the brown line does not go that direction you want to be at Clark and Lake (she had stated this earlier)
SW: Yes, Clark and Lake
Me: Then you need to get back on the train and go around the loop (I could tell at this point that there was NO WAY I could explain a train transfer to this woman.)
SW: (stil shouting) The brown line does go that direction, it was going that direction today.
Me: (still calm) No ma'am the brownline does not go that direction it only goes one way.
SW: No I did not need to go around a loop at any point today you must be wrong.

At this point I was running late and ready to tell the woman to find it herself if she was so sure, but patience from God prevailed.

Me: Ma'am What you need to do is get on this train and get off at clark/lake. You will go by about 7 or 8 stops. (I then named them in approx. order)
SW: What stops were those?
Me: Do you want me to show you on a map?
SW: Yes, I do I have no idea what you are talking about. (again shouting) Oh, forget it I don't know directions at all.
Oh Really!!!! ***
Me: Well, just get on this train and go around tell you hit clark and lake.
SW: Oh okay I'll do that.

Shrill woman departs.

I don't understand it. There I sat for 5 to 10 minutes helping her and what does she do? SHOUT. Never have I met someone so lost who was so stubborn that they were so right. I mean come on, you are LOST how can you be so stubborn?

* This average is higher during summer months and lower during periods of winter.
**This is an abridged version of this conversation. The conversation took much more time, with more shouting (by her).
***Sarcastic remark inserted, not actually stated at the time of the conversation.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Desperation Prayer

Another day another group of patients. Or so I thought. I want you all to understand this story is being posted with verbal permission by both the patient and the patients daughter. Gotta make sure I was not violating HIPAA rules.

Anyway sometimes you go week by week at work and you keep doing your job and not much touches you or helps you remember why you are doing this job. This week I was reminded why I do this job. I was caring for a patient with End Stage Liver Disease. For you non-medical affiliated individuals that means she is dying of liver failure. I know you medical people want to know why, but too bad. Anyway, the night I received this patient I learned she was not a candidate for a transplant. This means she will die of her liver disease and there is nothing we can much do to help her.
This is not a story about the patient but the daughter. On entering I noticed Mrs. Chang* sleeping in bed and the daughter Ms. Chang sitting on the couch reading her Bible. When returning later on, the daughter was still reading her Bible. The family was friendly and I spent some time talking with them. Very kind and seemingly very positive considering the negative diagnosis.
That morning when I was making my final rounds, I stepped into the room to give Mrs. Chang some medication. The room was dark and the patient was no where to be seen. Then something stopped me. The daughter was kneeling on the hard cold floor by the couch praying. When I mean praying I mean PRAYING. She was praying in a language of China. What was amazing about it was her voice. She had a voice of desperation and utter helplessness. It seemed she was casting all of her cares upon Christ and relying solely on Him. It ripped at my heart and made my eyes a little teary.
I do not pray with that kind of passion and it is high time I learn. That woman touched me so much. She was discharged today and I probably won't see either of them until heaven. Yet, what a touching example of prayer that I will never forget.

*Names have been changed to protect the individuals

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Texas Hold 'Em

This weekend I spent some time with family in Wisconsin. I went so see my friend Jon and learned how to play Poker. I was a whee bit nervous about the whole thing and not real sure what I was doing. So I made sure they wrote out what hands were better than what hands and went from there. The group was kind to me and my cousin and I learned how to play!!
I lost went out third and sprung Hannah on a winning streak. We didn't play for money or anything but now I can watch poker in movies and understand them. I do not really care to watch the contests on TV though.
In addition this weekend I caught a few movies. I saw Redeye with Rachel McAdams, it was rather fun. Nothing serious but relaxed. The Constant Gardner which lost me right away when they made some poltical statements that seemed out of context with the movie. I also went and saw King Kong of Peter Jackson fame. I loved the story between Jack and the girl. I felt that the rest of the movie was a little too intense/graphic for me with the island scenes and some of the violence. Overall the movie was a great accomplishment. The lady behind me would not be quiet though and had an exclamation for every little thing.
It was good to home. Gotta love a place you can be so comfortable in. My apartment is that way too.
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