Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Texas Hold 'Em

This weekend I spent some time with family in Wisconsin. I went so see my friend Jon and learned how to play Poker. I was a whee bit nervous about the whole thing and not real sure what I was doing. So I made sure they wrote out what hands were better than what hands and went from there. The group was kind to me and my cousin and I learned how to play!!
I lost went out third and sprung Hannah on a winning streak. We didn't play for money or anything but now I can watch poker in movies and understand them. I do not really care to watch the contests on TV though.
In addition this weekend I caught a few movies. I saw Redeye with Rachel McAdams, it was rather fun. Nothing serious but relaxed. The Constant Gardner which lost me right away when they made some poltical statements that seemed out of context with the movie. I also went and saw King Kong of Peter Jackson fame. I loved the story between Jack and the girl. I felt that the rest of the movie was a little too intense/graphic for me with the island scenes and some of the violence. Overall the movie was a great accomplishment. The lady behind me would not be quiet though and had an exclamation for every little thing.
It was good to home. Gotta love a place you can be so comfortable in. My apartment is that way too.


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