Sunday, July 22, 2007

Music in Praha

So our final stop has been Prague and even after three days here we don't feel like we have enough time. We tried to take a bus today to see Terezin concentration camp but the 12 o'clock bus was full and the next was too late to "enjoy" enough time at the sights.
Last night we went to a classical musical performance at the Municipal House. It seems like a rather touristy thing to do but something that would be nice to hear. So we had to chose between an Opera medley in the main Smetana Hall and a classical music piece in the smaller hall. It was my choice and if I had been on my own it would have been the opera. The fear on James' face at opera was enough for me to decide on the classical concert. He honestly didn't have a strong opinion either way. We arrived early to get good seats. You see in this backwards country music concerts have no assigned seating, just zones from A-C while your movie theaters here have assigned seating in rows and seats. Hmmm Anyway so our performance is in the basement and I mean the basement. The place where they hide their two bars and such. When the open the doors the hall is small. (Sure glad I got here early!) There are a scattering of chairs in the front of the hall and some stands. Now I am thinking, why oh why did I not take the opera? The big hall for over 1,000 people and all that was so pretty with Carmen being sung and a ballet..... UGH! Aside from the fact that they played very limited amounts of the pieces (Mozart and so on) they had listed in the advertisments the show still was very good. When they started playing I was shocked by the sound in the room. It seemed like there were a lot more players up there than I saw. The acoustics were quite impressive. SO for a bit of an expense we saw a decent, but small, classical concert in Prague.
Fly home tomorrow morning. Keep praying for the Korean hostages in Afghanistan.


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