Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Slight Venice Snare

Ahh Austria land of the Alps, snow, skiers, "The Sound of Music", lovely breezes and cool nights.
So here I am sweating my brains out in Austria. It has been quite hot since we arrived here yesterday. I have not blogged in a few days because the price was atrociously expensive in Venice. So here is an update:
We had a good time in Venice and happened to be there during a festival. There were some amazing fireworks one night, complete with music including 2001: A Space Odessey, Grease Medley, Great Balls of Fire and Josh Groban. The funny story of Venice is about our arrival. We arrived in Venice no problem and James found the bed and breakfast on the first try (very impressive). That's when the trouble started. First off the door had graffitti on it and had a broken window that had been covered over with boards. It was in a tiny courtyard near everything, but not an inviting place to spend a lot of time. When we looked at the door there was no buzzer for the B & B. there was a nice number on the card but no buzzer. So we sat down and tried the number. It didn't work, so we tried dialing another way and both ended up getting a woman who did not speak English and hung up on us. So we stared at the building awhile, perhaps assuming the doors would open independently and we would be escorted to our door on a golden staircase. No such luck. We tried the number again and it still didn't work. So we sent James off to the nearby (and again expensive) internet cafe where he learned absolutly nothing new! We sat awhile and asked some people how to get in....eventually we buzzed a tenant to distraction and he let us in to sit in the staircase. We were in trouble at this point because we knew there were not a lot of places to stay in Venice, we had had a lot of trouble booking before. I started to roam the winding streets of Venice with Credit card and passport in hand hoping to find a hotel with decent fee and a place to simply lay our heads. 200 euros a night with shared bathroom, a lot of hotels full so I returned to find an assistant to the owner helping James get into the B&B and get settled. So we stayed where we originally planned, only it took two hours or so to get into the hotel. Funny thing is it was the nicest room we have stayed in this trip....


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