Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Back in Rome?

So we are back in Rome right now. Can you believe it? I can't. The visit to Pompeii was great. A city of amazingly intact ruins where you can walk about anywhere. We had a lot of freedom throughout the ruins and it was fun to see these mosaics and all. I was happy to leave Naples and my steely grip on my hip bag. I wasn't about to lose my camera or passport to some scooter rider grabbing it as they pass by. The drive (on the bus) through to the Amalfi coast was amazing as well. Plenty of buildings built into the stone and the beautiful sea as a background. Our current total for 6 nights shows 4 different hotels, hostels, or B&B. We actually will get to be in Florence for three nights. I might unpack a bit!
We took a boat today to Salerno to get back to Rome. The boat ride was great and as usual there were plenty of ruins to look at on the way. The ride was pretty steady so I don't think too many people would get seasick.
Italian fasion has been interesting. The men can get away with more than the American men but the women....well let me tell you about one of them. We were at an Italian restaurant (surprise surprise) when this girl walked in with underclothes. She was wearing a white lacey corset with laces up the back that barely kept her "together" and a lacey "skirt" that didn't cover her butt. It was right out of a western movie with a chorus line minus the skirts. I was so embarrased I just cringed. There wasn't much left to the imagination there!!! Hope all is well at home. Trying to keep up with the news. Here for just one night to see the Catacombs and then off the Florence!! Ciao!


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