Friday, July 20, 2007

Throw Mama From the Train

So our final stop is Prague and we have arrived! We absoltuly love the city thus far and have been here over 24 hours. We got here via a train from Innsbruck. We left our baggage in the train station during the day as we toured and managed to kill time all day until about 1am when we finally came to wait for our 2:30 am train. We were exhausted, sweaty, and dirty and ready for a train experience better than hard sleeper in China. We joked as we waited about having to kick someone out of our beds at 2:30 and someone having slept on our sheets.
The train arrived, we hopped on and went to our compartment only to find....someone sleeping in my bed. Lucky there were was a bottom birth available for me to lay in. So we treid to shove our luggage in little places we could find trying to be quiet and getting helpful pointers from an American in the top berth about how to find our sheets and so forth. Now we are sweaty all over again from running down the platform to get into the last car with our bags and now the work of shoving bags this way and that in a tiny compartment for 6 people. We get settled in available beds (James on a middle bunk me on a bottom) and find the room to be very hot. The "voice from above" (i.e. the American) tells us this: "The old lady on the bottom says she can´t sleep with the window open." James says: ˝You´ve got to be kidding me.˝ James then asks me to try and open the window pulling me into the situation. I lean over and can´t get the window open. The American tells James that he needs to do it because it pulls from above. Suddenly the battle axe is awake and upset. She says in her thick Czech accent: "I talk to you about this already. You can have the door open butnot the window it is too loud. I pay to sleep and need to sleep.˝ James spits down to her: ˝Itś like 1,000 degrees in here.˝ She retorts to open the door to the compartment and wings the door open violently. Now all 5 people in the compartment are awake and annoyed. There is a bit more bickering a horrid stuffy heat inthe room and 4 people unhappy and one happy Czech. What about a democracy?I am thinking this whole time. James hops out of bed and says "Well I am gonna open a window in the hallway then" and proceeds to open two of them. He gets back into bed a few minutes later the battle axe gets up and mumbling Czech under her breath closes one of them. James and I are both wide awake and dreaming of CHINESE trains at this point staring at the bunks above us or looking at each other across the wazy and making faces. As people attempt to fall asleep what do I see occuring in the bunk across from me? The battle axe reaching out thosepale flabby arms. She closes the door a few inches and quickly withdraws her arms. A few minutes later she reaches out her arms again and does it a little more. So I turn on my side, reach out my arm and hold the door open. The light was right in her face, I am sure it bothered her, but it was so hot in there James' shirt and pillow were quite grossly damp. So we slept in a very loud furnace of a compartment for less than four hours. We woke up greasy, sweaty, extra exhausted and still dirty. In the morning when the battle axe was awake we opened the window and she closed the door and it was much quieter and cooler in the compartment the rest of the ride. The rest of the way she complained to all the employees about how full her compartment was and they needed to spread things out customs she was complaing about something else.....BLAH BLAH BLAH. Strangly she was anice person to talk to after all that but I wouldn't want to ride another train with her.....
Ah well no more trains for us for awhile but for right now I can honestly say I would rather take hard sleeper in China than the 2nd class train from Innsbruck.


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