Sunday, July 08, 2007

Travel here and there and everywhere

So we have been in Italy for three days going on four and it feels like a long time. We spent most of that time in Rome and did a marathon tour of the city. We really loved the place. I guess the history just blows us away at times. Our country is so very young and Rome so very old. I am not going to go into all of the details of what we saw because that would be boring. I must say though that out of everything, the Pantheon was the best. We have already had a number of misunderstandings with people, once with James pulling a cord/string in the shower and sending the bed and breakfast owner over to the apartment to make sure everything was okay. It turns out James thought it was a clothes line and really it is an emergency cord in the shower required by law to have in it. Who knows how that law came out!!
We have eaten plenty of pizza and other good food. We are now in Naples and find the place to be extremely dangerous, dirty, passionate and crime ridden with a very strong mafia influence. Who knew? They claim 100 murders a year in this city are done by the mafia and they are part of the reason for the crime rate. We have been warned by three different Italians to be careful. One man told us "Don't go up these streets because someone will take out a gun and steal your money" GREAT!! A bus driver walked up to us and made the motion like a child having to go to the bathroom. I thought he was telling us we had to wait awhile and be patient. NOPE! He pulled his wallet out of his front pocket put it back in and put both hands over his pocket and crouched over like he had to go to the bathroom. Ahhh be careful with your wallet. I get it. "Capiche?" He asked us. "Capiche" (how do you spell that anyways?)
Supposedly last night we had some of the best pizza in the world. So they tell me. Naples, the pizza capitol, and the best place for pizza here in Naples. We waited two hours standing in the street to sit down. But it was amazing!
I am at an internet cafe where Italians are yelling into the phones and talking very passionatley. It is very distracting and humerous at the same time. Anyways, tommorow the Amalfi Coast for two days with a stopover in Pompeii. More travel after that with planes, trains and buses for us!!!


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