Sunday, May 04, 2008

Mile High till July

It has been ages since my last blog and I am pretty sure you all don't want updates of what I have been doing since my last blog in September. So no comments about poor blogging, lets just say I have been meaning to for awhile.
Denver has been good. I have been here since January, skied once-twice a week till the "hills" closed and now am hiking once to twice a week. Did a KILLER hike last week through Shadow Canyon, went up about 3,000 feet in elevation and did 2,000 in about 1.2 miles. You gotta understand how much UP that is and how few switchbacks there are. Hand-over-hand hiking sure is fun! So I extended here mostly because I didn't really feel like packing up and moving again. 6 months is quite some time for me in one place.
I miss New York quite a bit though especially when I watch movies that take place there (or are supposed to). The only problem now is that I know where the actors are and think: "they couldn't have gotten there already" or "they'll have to run really far" or some sort of thing like that. Stupid I know but Chicago movies do that to me too. (more on that some other time)
One thing I don't miss is the sleeping disorder from working an extra required 12 hour shift each pay period. One extra shift set off my sleeping schedule enough to make me crazy. I also don't miss a certain percentage of patients who really erk you. I never had more patient satifaction issues than in NYC. New Yorkers and east coasters are tough to please, perhaps?
More meaningless posts to come...Bellz


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