Friday, March 24, 2006

Characters Welcome?

The city is a place that can never cease to amaze me. Allow me to elaborate. You can meet the widest variety of characters in the city. Characters you will never meet in the suburbs where you seem to come in contact with a lot less people. A couple of examples:

I was heading home around 11:30 or midnight last night and managed to see:
1. A very drunk man swearing on the L telling his stories to everyone while spilling alcohol everywhere. Every other word was a swear.
2. A man in a white terrycloth bathrobe doing karate moves on the sidewalk while it was snowing. (I don't believe he was drunk) He was talking with two ordinary looking men.
3. Two women making out at a bus stop.
4. Fifteen people in residential Chicago (on my street) taking pictures and yelling cheers of some sort.
5. A man explaining to a White Hen employee how he met a woman named Anna (ah-na) when he was married to an Anna (ann-nah) and had the guy every called his wife Anna when her name was Anna? It was unlcear to me if he was having an affair with Anna or he had merely mistakenly called his wife Anna by that name. all I know was that he was in trouble with her.
6. A petite girl with pink hair walking a dog the size of a pony.
7. A burly man with brown hair walking a dog the size of a cat.

Sometimes I miss the burbs.


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