Thursday, November 02, 2006

Yes Virginia, those are tourists

I had a wonderful long weekend to finish off my October. My mother and I went on our annual mother daughter trip. Last year Montreal the year before Savannah and this year Virginia!
After picking the ole mom up at the airport we sat in traffic from Baltimore to Fredericksburg. It was awful and I was tired we made it to Willamsburg in one piece though!
Day one was chilly and gray very appropriate for a visit to Jamestown settlement, it helped you realize how cold and miserable they were 400 years ago when they attempted to settle on the land. We also saw a interpretation of the Jamestown settlement with costumed "interpreters" and all. My favorite was getting on full working ships of the Susan Constant and the Godspeed.
Day two was spent in Colonial Williamsburgh taking bunches of tours and walking A LOT! I dragged moms butt everywhere and we had a great time. The buildings were wonderful and so much history of so many great people (Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Patrick Henry). We were tired by the end of the day thank goodness for daylight savings time we got an extra hour of sleep that night.
Day three was tying up some things we missed in Williamsburg. After a few visits and an old video we headed to Yorktown to see where the Revolutionary War ended. We took a car tour and had a lovely time there. I had a chicken sandwich with way undercooked meat and I got grossed out. They gave me a free piece of yummy carrot cake and did not charge me for anything. Lovely little town!
Day four was seeing Monticello, Ashlawn Highland and Michie tavern in Charlottesville, Va. It was lovely but Michie tavern was one more tour too many and mom and I were tired at the beginning of that tour. It didn't help that Virginia was experiencing their Asian Beetle swarm. Gross.
Day five Baltimore, more accuratly Lexington Market.
We were ready for a vacation after I drug mom around everywhere but I was glad we got as much done as we did. Lots of planning!! The only problem? Mom and I hated to make decisions so I made plenty of them and she made some.
In summary: I thought Virginia in post peak fall foilage was beatuiful. I saw the Blue Ridge mountains, the valleys and the coast and was very impressed.


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