Saturday, October 07, 2006


So I was riding the Metro out of the city the other day at around 8:30pm and its nice and quiet in the car. The trains stops at Mondawmin and a younger guy with ear buds in steps on. He looks around and says: "IS THIS THE TRAIN TO OWINGS MILLS?!" A few people snicker someone shouts back "YEP!" and the guy says "OH GOOD I WAS SITTIN" THERE LISTENING TO MY MUSIC THE TRAIN GOT HERE AND I WAS LIKE WHA? AND CLIMBED ON A TRAIN" More people snickering. The guy stopped any conversation in the car. He didn't stop there. "OH YOU GOT A BIKE? HOW NICE IS THAT I WOULD LOVE TO RIDE AROUND ON A BIKE" People at this point are trying to give him the hint that he is talking too loud. "OH CAN I SIT HERE NO NO NO DONT MOVE YOUR STUFF IT IS OKAY. LEAVE IT THERE!" pause "LOVELY DAY TODAY GLAD TO BE GOING HOME" I smiled. He stopped talking and the rest of the ride was pretty quiet.


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