Sunday, April 19, 2009

God is so Good

Let me start out by saying that my previous post was supposed to have a bit of dry sarcastic humor. I have received this huge email with concern for my state of mind. I admit I was struggling and considered ditching the trail. I took the sage advice of Bojangles instead which was; "If you ever consider quiting wait two days. I've met so many people who have returned to the trail and regretted quiting earlier. " So I waited and stayed.

I now want to thank all of you who have been praying for me. God's blessings have been raining down upon me this week in abundance. I had three days of straight sunshine, four wonderful companions to see throughout the days and nights and a sense of contentment I had not experienced before. As I thank you for your prayers I now ask you to continue praying for me. God calls us to be the salt and light of the world and this task is not always so easy. I find myself to be continually defending Christianity in this small travelling community of hikers. I have, in moments of cowardice, missed the opportunity to share more about the gospel.

In the absence of a weekly fellowship on Sunday or any Christian hiking companions my devotional and Gideon Bible are all I have to strengthen and encourage me. I dearly miss the fellowship and fell the lack of Christian companionship heavily. Please pray for boldness in sharing my faith with others. People here mostly know I am a Christian but they frequently make disparaging remarks at times. I am often correcting their misconceptions, or at least I am trying to.

Aside from a heavy growth of blisters, numb toes, and a worrisome sore on my ear, things are looking good. I have three days of rain ahead and I found bruises today that my friends say I've had for a week and a half, but I feel okay. Ever northward!


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